Vital Tones Ltd. التطبيقات

Vital Tones Anti-Aging Pro 1.5
Vital Tones Ltd.
Vital Tones Anti-Aging is an evolutionarybrainwave therapy to intervene aging of the brain.The process of aging may be inevitable, however onemaypotentially delay the effects and severity of thisprogression.Research suggest that the aging process is associatedwithseveral structural, chemical, and functional changes in thebrainas well as a host of neurocognitive changes.Vital Tones Anti-Aging intervene the ability of the braintoalter its structure or function (i.e. its plastic nature). Itislogical to assume that some areas would be more vulnerable toagingthan others. Two circuits worth mentioning here are thehippocampaland neocortical circuits.Studies using Voxel-based morphometry have identified areas suchasthe insula and superior parietal gyri as beingespeciallyvulnerable to age-related losses in grey matter ofolderadults.It is also reported that the first 6 decades of an individual'slifewere correlated with the most rapid decreases in greymatterdensity, and this occurred over dorsal, frontal, and parietallobeson both interhemispheric and lateral brain surfaces. It isalsoworth noting that areas such as the cingulate gyrus, andoccipitalcortex surrounding the calcarine sulcus appear exempt fromthisdecrease in grey matter density over time.There is converging evidence from cognitive neuroscientistsaroundthe world that age-induced cognitive deficits may not be duetoneuronal loss or cell death, but rather may be the result ofsmallregion-specific changes to the morphology of neurons.An overwhelming number of studies have reported age-relatedchangesin decrease of dopamine, serotonin and glutamate synthesis,bindingsites, and number of receptors.Vital Tones Anti-Aging stimulates parts of the limbicsystem,prefrontal, temporal and paretial lobe which covers at thesametime the important pathways of dopamine, serotonin andglutamateand delay the effects and severity of agingprogression.Vital Tones Anti-Aging consist of two sessions, both 22minuteslong.This treatment requires large headphones or highqualityearphones with Left and Right placed correctly !Get ready for a total natural healing.Enjoy your explorations.
Vital Tones Fibromyalgia 1.5
Vital Tones Ltd.
Vital Tones Fibromyalgia is apowerfulbrainwave entrainment for improving Fibromyalgia.Fibromyalgia is a disorder characterized bywidespreadmusculoskeletal pain accompanied by fatigue, sleep,memory and moodissues. Researchers believe that fibromyalgiaamplifies painfulsensations by affecting the way your brainprocesses painsignals.Fibromyalgia is classed as a disorder of pain processing duetoabnormalities in how pain signals are processed in thecentralnervous system.Evidence of abnormal brain involvement in fibromyalgia hasbeenprovided via functional neuroimaging. The first findingsreportedwere decreased blood flow within the thalamus and elementsof thebasal ganglia and mid-brain (i.e., pontine nucleus). Patientshavedemonstrated local grey matter density reductions in thecingulatecortex, insula and parahippocampal gyrus.It is also suggested that metabolic dysfunction of thehippocampusand pineal gland may be implicated in the appearance ofthesesymptoms.Vital Tones Fibromyalgia consist of 3 different sessions.Every session is 22 minutes long.All sessions are necessary to have a complete entrainment!The FREE versions of our apps consists only of 1session(limited) to demonstrate and proof our technology works. Fora fullentrainment you need to purchase our Pro version!This application requires large headphones or highqualityearphones with Left and Right placed correctly !Get ready for a total natural healing.Enjoy your explorations.
Vital Tones Addiction Pro 2.0
Vital Tones Ltd.
Vital Tones Addiction Recoveryisgroundbreaking brainwave entrainment to suppress addictivecravingsand for recovery of the damaged brain regions duringabstinence.The entrainment will also be highly effective for all kindsofdrug abusers.Vital Tones Addiction Recovery directly, stimulatesspecificparts of the prefrontal cortex, anterior cingulate gyrus,parietallobe, temporal lobe, occipital lobe, cerebellum and corpuscallosumto suppress craving and increase the reduced graymatterdensity.Vital Tones Addiction Recovery consist of 2differentsessions.• Session 1 stimulates:- the medial prefrontal cortex- the orbitofrontal cortex- the nucleus accumbensSession 1 is 26 minutes long.• Session 2 stimulates:- the temporal lobe- the occipital lobe- the parietal lobe- the cerebellum- the amygdala- the hippocampus- the habenulaSession 2 is 22 minutes long.Both sessions are crucial to have a complete entrainment!This application requires large headphones or highqualityearphones with Left and Right placed correctly !Get ready for a total natural healing.Enjoy your explorations.
Vital Tones Stress 1.6
Vital Tones Ltd.
Vital Tones Stress is a groundbreakingbrainwave therapy to reduce stress and recover the destructiveeffects of (chronic) stress in the brain and the body.Stressful life events can harm your brain's memory and learningcapacity by reducing the volume of gray matter in brain regionsassociated with emotions, self-control and physiologicalfunctions.Exposed to chronic stress early in life are prone to mentalproblems such as anxiety and mood disorders later in life, as wellas learning difficulties.Ongoing stress can contribute to lost volume in the brain's medialprefrontal cortex and halt the production of new neurons in thehippocampus.Mindfulness-Based Stress (MBSR), one of the most widely usedmindfulness training programs increases gray matter concentrationin the hippocampus, the medial prefrontal cortex, the posteriorcingulate cortex, the temporo-parietal junction, the cerebellum,the inferior temporal gyrus, the anterior cingulate cortex, theinsula and the pons.Vital Tones Stress consist of 3 different sessions.Every session is 22 minutes long.All sessions are necessary to have a complete treatment!The FREE versions of our apps consists only of 1 session (limited)to demonstrate and proof our technology works. For a full treatmentyou need to purchase our Pro version!This application requires large headphones or high qualityearphones with Left and Right placed correctly !Get ready for a total natural healing.Enjoy your explorations.
Vital Tones Homeostasis 1.7
Vital Tones Ltd.
Vital Tones Homeostasis is a powerfulbrainwave sound therapy to improve and maintain the state of thebody’s physiological, endocrine and biochemical parameters.The human body manages a multitude of highly complex interactionsto maintain balance or return systems to functioning within anormal range. These interactions within the body facilitatecompensatory changes supportive of physical and psychologicalfunctioning. This process is essential to the survival of theperson and to our species. The liver, the kidneys, and the brain(hypothalamus, the autonomic nervous system and the endocrinesystem) help maintain homeostasis.Aging is primarily caused by a progressive loss of receptorsensitivity of the hypothalamus (and related structures in thebrain) to negative feedback inhibition. While this loss ofsensitivity is essential for normal growth and development, it isalso the cause of post-maturational diseases, aging anddeath.The hypothalamus is the body’s primary organ of homeostasis,responsible for maintaining the equilibrium of most biologicalprocesses within a fairly narrow range.Releasing factors (small protein-like molecules) secreted from thehypothalamus initiate hormonal changes in the pituitary (formerlyconsidered “the master gland”). These secretions keep internaltemperature, blood pressure, thirst, hunger, sexual appetites,chemical and water balances, menstrual cycles and numerous otheractivities functioning normally.The hormones released from the hypothalamus, in turn, cause thepituitary gland to release stimulating hormones. These stimulatinghormones cause the peripheral endocrine glands (thyroid, adrenals,ovaries and testes) to secrete “their” hormones (thyroxine,cortisone, estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone, to name afew).Recent research indicates that the hypothalamus is itselfinfluenced by another structure in the brain known as the pinealgland. The pineal gland is responsible for the regular cyclicalfunctioning of the entire neuroendocrine system, most notably our24-hour sleep-wake cycle, as well as many other chronobiologicalfunctions.Vital Tones Homeostasis consist of 3 different sessions.Session 1 and 3 is 24 minutes.Session 2 is 23 minutes.The free version is 15 minutes.All sessions are needed to have a complete treatment!This application requires large headphones or high qualityearphones with Left and Right placed correctly !Enjoy your explorations.
Vital Tones Aphasia Pro 1.7
Vital Tones Ltd.
Vital Tones Aphasia is agroundbreakingbrainwave entrainment for reducing Aphasia.Aphasia is a condition that affects the brain and leadstoproblems using language correctly.People with aphasia make mistakes in the words they use,sometimesusing the wrong sounds in a word, choosing the wrong word,orputting words together incorrectly.Aphasia also affects speaking and writing in the same way.Manypeople with the condition find it difficult to understand wordsandsentences they hear or read.Aphasia is caused mainly by acquired damage to theWernicke’sarea (the sensory speech area) and Broca's area (themotor speecharea).Vital Tones Aphasia consist of 2 sessions.• Session 1 stimulates:- the left temporal lobe- the left insula- the left precentral gyrus- the left angular gyrus- the left supramarginal gyrus- the amygdalaSession 1 is 22 minutes long.• Session 2 stimulates:- the hippocampus- the anterior cerebellum- the left Inferior frontal gyrus- the left anterior cingulate- the medial orbital gyrusSession 2 is 22 minutes long.Both sessions are crucial to have a complete entrainment!This application requires large headphones or highqualityearphones with Left and Right placed correctly !Get ready for a total natural healing.Enjoy your explorations.
Vital Tones Sexual Arousal 2.1
Vital Tones Ltd.
Vital Tones Sexual Arousal is a powerfulbrainwave sound therapy to improve sexual excitement during or inanticipation of sexual activity.Sexual arousal (also sexual excitement) is the arousal of sexualdesire, during or in anticipation of sexual activity. A number ofphysiological responses occur in the body and mind as preparationfor sexual intercourse and continue during it. Genital responsesare not the only changes, but noticeable and necessary forconsensual and comfortable intercourse. Male arousal will lead toan erection, and in female arousal the body's response is engorgedsexual tissues such as nipples, vulva, clitoris, vaginal walls andvaginal lubrication. Mental stimuli and physical stimuli such astouch, and the internal fluctuation of hormones, can influencesexual arousal.Sexual arousal has several stages and may not lead to any actualsexual activity, beyond a mental arousal and the physiologicalchanges that accompany it. Given sufficient sexual stimulation,sexual arousal in humans reaches its climax during an orgasm. Itmay also be pursued for its own sake, even in the absence of anorgasm.Studies of brain imaging indicate increased activation at sexualarousal, in the hypothalamus, putamen, caudate nuclius, nucleusgigantocellularis, somatosensory, left amygdala, inferior frontalgyrus, midbrain, cerebellum, anterior cingultate gyrus and nucleusaccumbens.Vital Tones Sexual Arousal consist of 2 different sessions.Each session is 22 minutes.The free version is 12 minutes long.Both sessions are crucial to have a complete treatment!The FREE versions of our apps consists only of 1 session (limited)to demonstrate and proof our technology works. For a full treatmentyou need to purchase our Pro version!This application requires large headphones or high qualityearphones with Left and Right placed correctly !Get ready for a total natural balance.Enjoy your explorations.
Vital Tones Vison Recovery 2.5
Vital Tones Ltd.
Vital Tones VR is a powerful brain waveVisionRecovery (VR) entrainment for improving eye / visiondisordersrelated with the visual system.Vision is generated by photoreceptors in the retina, a layerofcells at the back of the eye. The information leaves the eye bywayof the optic nerve, and there is a partial crossing of axons attheoptic chiasm. After the chiasm, the axons are called theoptictract. The optic tract wraps around the midbrain to get tothelateral geniculate nucleus (LGN), where all the axons mustsynapse.From there, the LGN axons fan out through the deep whitematter ofthe brain as the optic radiations, which will ultimatelytravel toprimary visual cortex, at the back of the brain.The primary visual cortical receiving area is in theoccipitallobe.Next to occipital lobe, nearly the entire caudal half ofthecerebral cortex through ventral pathway and dorsal pathwayisdedicated to processing visual information.Vital Tones VR consist of 3 different sessions.• Session 1 stimulates:- the pulvinar- the basal ganglia- the occipital cortex- the substantia nigra- the BA37, BA39, BA7- the somatosensory eyeSession 1 is 22 minutes long.• Session 2 stimulates:- the optic chiasm- the suprachiasmatic nucleus- the lateral geniculate nucleus- the optic nerve- the superior colliculusSession 2 is 22 minutes long.• Session 3 stimulates:- the abducens nerve- the oculomotor nerve- the trochlear nerveSession 3 is 22 minutes long.All sessions are needed to have a complete entrainment!The FREE versions of our apps consists only of 1session(limited) to demonstrate and proof our technology works. Fora fullentrainment you need to purchase our Pro version!This application requires large headphones or highqualityearphones with Left and Right placed correctly!Get ready for a total natural healing.Enjoy your explorations.
Vital Tones Insomnia 2.1
Vital Tones Ltd.
Vital Tones Insomnia isgroundbreakingbrainwave sound therapy for Insomnia.Insomnia is a sleep disorder. People with insomnia havetroublesleeping: difficulty falling asleep, or staying asleep aslong asdesired.Insomnia is most often thought of as both a medical sign andasymptom that can accompany several sleep, medical, andpsychiatricdisorders characterized by a long term difficultyfalling asleepand/or staying asleep or sleep of poor quality.Insomnia istypically followed by functional impairment while awake.Insomniacan occur at any age, but it is particularly common in theelderly.Insomnia can be short term (up to three weeks) or long term(above3–4 weeks); it can lead to memory problems,depression,irritability and an increased risk of heart disease andautomobilerelated accidents.Studies show significantly reduced gray matter concentrationsandvolume in the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, thepericentralcortices, the superior temporal gyrus, the cerebellum,the medialfrontal cortex, the middle temporal gyri, theorbitofrontal cortex,and the precuneus.Vital Tones Insomnia consist of 2 different sessions.• Session 1 stimulates specific areas of:- the pericentral cortices- the superior temporal gyrus- the cerebellum- the superior temporal gyri- the precuneus- hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axisSession 1 is 22 minutes long.• Session 2 stimulates specific areas of:- the medial frontal cortex- the orbitofrontal cortexSession 2 is 22 minutes long.Both sessions are crucial to have a complete therapy!The FREE versions of our apps consists only of 1 session(limited)to demonstrate and proof our technology works. For a fulltreatmentyou need to purchase our Pro version!This application requires large headphones or highqualityearphones with Left and Right placed correctly!Get ready for a total natural healing.Enjoy your explorations.
Vital Tones Alcohol Recovery 1.8
Vital Tones Ltd.
Vital Tones Alcohol Damage Recovery isadynamic brainwave entrainment for the damage that occurred tobrainstructures of excessive alcohol consumption.Brain damage is a common and potentially severe consequenceoflong-term, heavy alcohol consumption. Evenmild-to-moderatedrinking can adversely affect cognitive functioning(i.e., mentalactivities that involve acquiring, storing,retrieving, and usinginformation). Persistent cognitive impairmentcan contribute topoor job performance in adult alcoholics, and caninterfere withlearning and academic achievement in adolescents withanestablished pattern of chronic heavy drinking.The frontal lobes are the most damaged region of the brainsofalcohol abusers but other regions of the brain are alsoaffected.Memory impairment due to alcohol has been linked todisruption ofhippocampal function. Alcohol also impairs and altersfunctioningin the medulla, midbrain, and parieial cortex.Vital Tones Alcohol Damage Recovery directly activatesandstimulate the frontal lobe and other necessary regions of thebrainand speed up the recovery which could take years to recoverfromalcohol damage.Next to Vital Tones Alcohol Damage Recovery,"VitalTonesAddiction" can help you to stop or reduce drinkingalcohol."VitalTones Immune System" can be used after finishing thistreatment toenhance the central nervous system for other damagescaused byalcohol.Vital Tones Alcohol Damage Recovery consist of 3 sessions,each24 minutes long.• Session 1 stimulates:- the posterior parietal cortex- the rostral superior frontal sulcus- the basal ganglia- the midbrain- the leg muscles- the hip muscle- the trunk muscle• Session 2 stimulates:- the medial preoptic nuclei- the hippocampus- the medial frontal cortex- the anterior cingulate- the mammillary bodies• Session 3 stimulates:- the ADH hormone- the heart- the liver- the pancreas- the kidneysAll sessions are needed to have a complete entrainment!The FREE versions of our apps consists only of 1session(limited) to demonstrate and proof our technology works. Fora fullentrainment you need to purchase our Pro version!This treatment requires large headphones or highqualityearphones with Left and Right placed correctly !Get ready for a total natural healing.Enjoy your explorations.
Vital Tones Neurogenesis 1.1
Vital Tones Ltd.
Vital Tones Neurogenesis is agroundbreakingbrainwave entrainment for improving the growth of newbrain cells.The term neurogenesis is made up of the words “neuro”meaning“relating to nerves” and “genesis” meaning the formationofsomething. The term therefore refers to the growth anddevelopmentof neurons. This process is most active while a baby isdevelopingin the womb and is responsible for the production of thebrain’sneurons.The development of new neurons continues during adulthood intworegions of the brain. Neurogenesis takes place inthesubventricular zone (SVZ) that forms the lining of thelateralventricles and the subgranular zone that forms part of thedentategyrus of the hippocampus area. The SVZ is the sitewhereneuroblasts are formed, which migrate via the rostralmigratorystream to the olfactory bulb. Many of these neuroblastsdie shortlyafter they are generated. However, some go on to befunctional inthe tissue of the brain.Vital Tones Neurogenesis consist of 2 different sessions.Session 1 is 16 minutes long.Session 2 is 16 minutes long.Session 2 is crucial to have a complete entrainment!This application requires large headphones or highqualityearphones with Left and Right placed correctly !The FREE versions of our apps consists only of 1session(limited) to demonstrate and proof our technology works. Fora fulltreatment please purchase our Pro version!Get ready for a total natural healing.Enjoy your explorations.
Vital Tones Aphasia 1.7
Vital Tones Ltd.
Vital Tones Aphasia is agroundbreakingbrainwave entrainment for reducing Aphasia.Aphasia is a condition that affects the brain and leadstoproblems using language correctly.People with aphasia make mistakes in the words they use,sometimesusing the wrong sounds in a word, choosing the wrong word,orputting words together incorrectly.Aphasia also affects speaking and writing in the same way.Manypeople with the condition find it difficult to understand wordsandsentences they hear or read.Aphasia is caused mainly by acquired damage to theWernicke’sarea (the sensory speech area) and Broca's area (themotor speecharea).Vital Tones Aphasia consist of 2 sessions.• Session 1 stimulates:- the left temporal lobe- the left insula- the left precentral gyrus- the left angular gyrus- the left supramarginal gyrus- the amygdalaSession 1 is 22 minutes long.• Session 2 stimulates:- the hippocampus- the anterior cerebellum- the left Inferior frontal gyrus- the left anterior cingulate- the medial orbital gyrusSession 2 is 22 minutes long.Both sessions are crucial to have a complete entrainment!The FREE versions of our apps consists only of 1session(limited) to demonstrate and proof our technology works. Fora fullentrainment you need to purchase our Pro version!This application requires large headphones or highqualityearphones with Left and Right placed correctly !Get ready for a total natural healing.Enjoy your explorations.
Vital Tones Dyslexia 2.4
Vital Tones Ltd.
Vital Tones Dyslexia is agroundbreakingbrainwave entrainment for improving Dyslexia.Dyslexia, also known as reading disorder or alexia, is alearningdisability characterized by trouble reading despite anormalintelligence. Different people are affected to differentdegrees.Problems may include sounding out words, spelling words,readingquickly, writing words, pronouncing words when readingaloud, andunderstanding what was read.Functional neuroimaging studies have consistentlydemonstratedless activation of the left hemisphere of the inferiorfrontalgyrus, the inferior parietal lobule, the occipito-temporalcortex,the parietal-temporal cortex, the cerebellum, the superiortemporalregions, the insula, and the midfrontal gyrus.Vital Tones Dyslexia consist of 3 different sessions.• Session 1 activates:- the left inferior parietal lobule- the left superior temporal regions- the occipital-temporal- the left parietal-temporal- the medial geniculate- the lateral geniculateSession 1 is 22 minutes long.• Session 2 activates:- the medio dorsal nuclei- the ventral posteromedial nuclei- the ventral lateral nuclei- the Broca's areaSession 2 is 22 minutes long.• Session 3 activates:- the pulvinar- the lateral posterior nuclei- the eye sensory- the optic nervesSession 3 is 22 minutes long.All sessions are crucial to have a complete entrainment!The FREE versions of our apps consists only of 1session(limited) to demonstrate and proof our technology works. Fora fullentrainment you need to purchase our Pro version!This application requires large headphones or highqualityearphones with Left and Right placed correctly!Get ready for a total natural healing.Enjoy your explorations.
Vital Tones OCD Pro 1.8
Vital Tones Ltd.
Vital Tones OCD Pro is an impressivebrainwaveentrainment for Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD).Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) is a mental healthconditionwhere a person has obsessive thoughts andcompulsiveactivity.An obsession is an unwanted and unpleasant thought, image orurgethat repeatedly enters a person's mind, causing feelingsofanxiety, disgust or unease.A compulsion is a repetitive behaviour or mental act thatsomeonefeels they need to carry out to try to temporarily relievetheunpleasant feelings brought on by the obsessive thought.In the past few years, research intoobsessive-compulsivedisorder (OCD) has consistently implicated thecingulate gyrus,superior frontal gyrus and striatum, the inputcenter of the basalganglia system. Malfunctions in this system havebeen implicated indysfunction of motor control, learning, andreward processing.Vital Tones OCD consist of 2 different sessions.• Session 1 stimulates:- dorsal posterior cingulate- dorsal medial frontal cortex- anterior cingulate gyriSession 1 is 22 minutes long.• Session 2 stimulates:- hippocampus- pineal gland- habenula- nucleus AccumbensSession 2 is 22 minutes long.This application requires large headphones or highqualityearphones with Left and Right placed correctly!Get ready for a total natural healing.Enjoy your explorations.
Vital Tones Narcolepsy 1.3
Vital Tones Ltd.
Vital Tones Narcolepsy is a powerfulbrainwaveentrainment for reducing symptoms of narcolepsy,cataplexy, sleepparalysis and hypnagogic hallucinations.Narcolepsy is a chronic sleep disorder characterizedbyoverwhelming daytime drowsiness and sudden attacks of sleep.Peoplewith narcolepsy often find it difficult to stay awake forlongperiods of time, regardless of the circumstances. Narcolepsycancause serious disruptions in your daily routine.Narcolepsy can be accompanied by a sudden loss of muscletone(cataplexy) that leads to weakness and loss of muscle controlorsleep paralysis, a temporary inability to move or speak whenwakingup or falling asleep.Studies in narcolepsy found cortical gray matter reductioninfrontal brain regions and inferior temporal regions.Significantgray matter concentration decreases were found in thehypothalamus,hippocampus, cerebellum (vermis), superior temporalgyrus and rightnucleus accumbens.Recent findings indicate a reduction or full-loss of hypocretincelldevelopment in the lateral thalamus and ventral pontine areaofpeople with narcolepsy. Also reduced activity inhypothalamus,thalamus, prefrontal cortex, parahipocampal gyrus andhippocampuslocalizations was found during SPECT examinationsVital Tones Narcolepsy directly stimulates these brain areastoreduce symptoms of narcolepsy.Vital Tones Narcolepsy consist of 2 different sessions, both25minutes long.Both sessions are crucial to have a complete entrainment!The FREE versions of our apps consists only of 1session(limited) to demonstrate and proof our technology works. Fora fullentrainment you need to purchase our Pro version!This application requires large headphones or highqualityearphones with Left and Right placed correctly !Get ready for a total natural healing.Enjoy your explorations.
Vital Tones Immune System 2.1
Vital Tones Ltd.
Vital Tones Immune System is a powerfulbrainwave therapy for advancing and improving the immunesystem.The immune system is a system of many biological structures andprocesses within an organism that protects against disease. Tofunction properly, an immune system must detect a wide variety ofagents, known as pathogens, from viruses to parasitic worms, anddistinguish them from the organism's own healthy tissue.Vital Tones Immune System stimulates lymphatic system and theorgans of the immune system.• Session 1 stimulates :- the adenoids- the tonsils- the thymusSession 1 is 27 minutes long.• Session 2 stimulates :- the spleen- the peyer's patches- the appendix- the linguinal lymph nodes- the popliteal lymph nodesSession 2 is 27 minutes long.• Session 3 stimulates :- the lymph nodes including, axillary,mediastinal, supraclavicular andcervical nodes.Session 3 is 30 minutes long.The free trial version stimulates only the adenoids and thetonsils. The free version is 14 minutes long.All sessions are crucial to have a complete treatment!This application requires large headphones or high qualityearphones with Left and Right placed correctly !Enjoy your explorations.
Vital Tones Tourette 1.1
Vital Tones Ltd.
Vital Tones Tourette is a powerfulbrainwaveentrainment for Tourette syndrome for Adults.Tourette syndrome (also called Tourette's syndrome,Tourette'sdisorder, Gilles de la Tourette syndrome, GTS or, morecommonly,simply Tourette's or TS) is an inherited neuropsychiatricdisorderwith onset in childhood, characterized by multiple physical(motor)tics and at least one vocal (phonic) tic.Vital Tones Tourette consist of 3 sessions.• Session 1 stimulates:- the Globus pallidus, internal segmentSession 1 is 21 minutes long.• Session 2 stimulates:- the Medial dorsal nucleusSession 2 is 20 minutes long.• Session 3 stimulates:- the Centromedian-Parafascicular complex- the Nucleus ventralis posterior lateralis pars oralisSession 3 is 20 minutes long.All sessions are crucial to have a complete entrainment!This version consist of only 1 session. For a full entrainmentitis necessary to purchase our Pro version!This application requires large headphones or highqualityearphones with Left and Right placed correctly !Enjoy your explorations.
Vital Tones Migraine 1.2
Vital Tones Ltd.
Vital Tones Migraine is agroundbreakingbrainwave entrainment for prevention of migraines andheadaches.Migraine is a neurological disease characterized byrecurrentmoderate to severe headaches often in association with anumber ofautonomic nervous system symptoms. Typically the headacheaffectsone half of the head, is pulsating in nature, and lasts from2 to72 hours. Associated symptoms may include nausea, vomiting,andsensitivity to light, sound, or smell.The migraine is believed to be a neurovascular disorder.Theprimary theory is related to increased excitability of thecerebralcortex and abnormal control of pain neurons in thetrigeminalnucleus of the brainstem.Vital Tones Migraine consist of 2 treatment sessions andonesession for suppression of migraine.Session 1 and 2 are a treatment for preventingofmigraines.Session 1 and 2 should not be used during migraine.Session 1 and 2 are both 22 minutes.Session 3 is an exclusive entrainment for suppression ofmigraineduring migraine.Session 3 is 13 minutesBoth sessions are crucial to have a complete entrainment!The FREE versions of our apps consists only of 1 session(limiteduse) to demonstrate and proof our technology works. For afulltherapy you need to purchase our Pro version!This treatment requires large headphones or highqualityearphones with Left and Right placed correctly !Get ready for a total natural healing.Enjoy your explorations.
Vital Tones Alzheimer 1.7
Vital Tones Ltd.
Vital Tones Alzheimer is agroundbreakingbrainwave entrainment to positively affectAlzheimer's Disease(AD).Alzheimer's disease is a chronic neurodegenerative diseasethatusually starts slowly and gets worse over time. The mostcommonearly symptom is difficulty in remembering recentevents(short-term memory loss). As the disease advances, symptomscaninclude problems with language, disorientation (includingeasilygetting lost), mood swings, loss of motivation, not managingselfcare, and behavioural issues.Alzheimer's disease is characterised by loss of neuronsandsynapses in the cerebral cortex and certain subcorticalregions.This loss results in gross atrophy of the affectedregions,including degeneration in the temporal lobe and parietallobe, andparts of the frontal cortex and cingulate gyrus.Degeneration isalso present in brainstem nuclei like the locuscoeruleus.Vital Tones Alzheimer consist of 3 different sessions.• Session 1 stimulates:- the parahippocampal- the dentate gyrus- the hippocampus- the amygdala- the olfactory bulb- the septal areaSession 1 is 22 minutes long.• Session 2 stimulates:- the medial frontal cortex- the orbitofrontal cortex- the anterior cingulate- the basal forebrain- the nucleus accumbensSession 2 is 22 minutes long.• Session 3 stimulates:- the temporal lobe- the locus coeruleus- the pons- the parietal lobe- the posterior cingulate- the colliculusSession 3 is 22 minutes long.Both sessions are crucial to have a complete entrainment!The FREE versions of our apps consists only of 1session(limited) to demonstrate and proof our technology works. Fora fullentrainment you need to purchase our Pro version!This application requires large headphones or highqualityearphones with Left and Right placed correctly !Get ready for a total natural healing.Enjoy your explorations.
Vital Tones Obesity 1.5
Vital Tones Ltd.
Vital Tones Obesity is a groundbreakingbrainwave sound treatment for reducing appetite and obesity.Obesity is a serious global epidemic and poses a significant healththreat to humans. The prevalence of obesity is increasing not onlyin adults, but also among children and adolescents. Obesity isassociated with increased risks for atherosclerotic cerebrovasculardisease, coronary heart disease, colorectal cancer, hyperlipidemia,hypertension, gallbladder disease, and diabetes mellitus, as wellas a higher mortality rate. It places a remarkable burden onsocietal health expenditure [3]. Causes of obesity are multitude,and the etiology is not well known. Obesity is at least in partattributable to overconsumption of calorie-dense foods and physicalinactivity. Other factors such as personality traits, depression,side effects of pharmaceuticals, food addiction, or geneticpredisposition may also contribute.Vital Tones Obesity consist of 3 different sessions.• Session 1 reduces appetite andincreases motivation.• Session 2 and 3 repairs and improvesthe burning fat systems.Every session is 22 minutes.The free version stimulates only a part for reducing theappetite.The free version is 8 minutes.This application requires large headphones or high qualityearphones with Left and Right placed correctly !Get ready for a total natural healing.Enjoy your explorations.
Vital Tones Cerebral Palsy 1.1
Vital Tones Ltd.
Vital Tones Cerebral Palsy is apowerfulbrainwave entrainment for Spastic and Dystonic CerebralPalsy forAdults.For Ataxic Cerebral Palsy please use this entrainment incombinationwith Vital Tones Ataxia entrainment.Cerebral palsy (CP) is caused by abnormal development ordamageto the parts of the brain that control movement, balance,andposture. Most often the problems occur during pregnancy;however,they may also occur during childbirth, or shortly afterbirth.Often the cause is unknown.Vital Tones Cerebral Palsy consist of 3 sessions.Session 1 stimulates the legs.Session 1 is 34 minutes.Session 2 stimulates the arms.Session 2 is 28 minutes.Session 3 stimulates:- the upper body- the globus pallidusSession 3 is 32 minutes.All sessions are needed to have a complete entrainment!This free version is a limited trial version.This application requires large headphones or highqualityearphones with Left and Right placed correctly !Enjoy your explorations.
Vital Tones Lucid Dreams 2.1
Vital Tones Ltd.
Vital Tones Lucid Dreams is apowerfulbrainwave entrainment for generating states of LucidDreams.Researchers believe that Lucid Dreams help us processemotions,consolidate memories, and may also help alleviatedepression.Vital Tones Lucid Dreams directly, activates the pons,theprecuneus, the cuneus, the prefrontal cortex, theoccipito-temporallobules, the pineal gland, the amygdala and thehippocampus whichplays a key role in generating Lucid Dreams,processing of emotionsand consolidation of memories.Vital Tones Lucid Dreams consist of 2 therapy sessions andoneoptional session for use during sleep.Session 1 and 2 are the therapy sessions for generatingLucidDreams.Session 1 and 2 are both 22 minutes.Both sessions are crucial to have a complete therapy!Session 3 is an optional therapy for use during REM sleep.Session 3 is 16 minutes and repeats automatically every60minutes.Session 3 should be connected to an quality external speaker.Please make sure the sound volume is as comfortable as possiblenotto get awake.The FREE versions of our apps consists only of 1session(limited) to demonstrate and proof our technology works. Fora fulltreatment you need to purchase our Pro version!This treatment requires large headphones or highqualityearphones with Left and Right placed correctly !Get ready for a total natural healing.Enjoy your explorations.
Vital Tones Hypertension 1.2
Vital Tones Ltd.
Vital Tones Hypertension is abrainwaveentrainment to positively affect Hypertension.High blood pressure (Hypertension) is a common condition inwhichthe long-term force of the blood against your artery walls ishighenough that it may eventually cause health problems, such asheartdisease.The central nervous system plays a key role in the regulationofcardiovascular function, and alterations in the centralneuralmechanisms that control blood pressure may underlie thevastmajority of cases of hypertension.Across studies, several regions emerge as especiallyvulnerableto negative modification by hypertension. These includeorbifrontalcortex, the inferior temporal cortex, brainstem,cerebellum,hypothalamus and inferior parietal lobule. Hypertensionalsoaffects brain regions that are only moderately vulnerable toaging,e.g., supplementary motor areas, thalamus andentorhinalcortex.Vital Tones Hypertension consist of 3 different sessions.• Session 1 stimulates:- the medulla- the parts of hypothalamusSession 1 is 22 minutes long.• Session 2 stimulates:- the pons- the midbrain- the cerebellum- the gyrus rectus- the orbifrontal cortexSession 2 is 22 minutes long.• Session 3 stimulates:- the temporal cortex- the entorhinal cortex- the motor cortex- the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex- the hippocampus- the inferior parietal lobuleSession 3 is 22 minutes long.All sessions are crucial to have a complete entrainment!The FREE versions of our apps consists only of 1 sessiontodemonstrate and proof our technology works. For a fullentrainmentyou need to purchase our Pro version!This entrainment requires large headphones or highqualityearphones with Left and Right placed correctly !Get ready for a total natural healing.Enjoy your explorations.
Vital Tones Long-Term Memory 1.4
Vital Tones Ltd.
Vital Tones Long-Term Memory isagroundbreaking brainwave therapy to recover or enhancetheretention and retrieval of long-term memory.Long-term memory has also been called reference memory,becausean individual must refer to the information in long-termmemorywhen performing almost any task. Long-term memory iscommonlybroken down into explicit memory (declarative), whichincludesepisodic memory, semantic memory, and autobiographicalmemory, andimplicit memory (procedural memory).The ventromedial prefrontal cortex, hippocampus, thalamusandentorhinal cortex, in particular, has been highlightedaspotentially influential for memory consolidation/retention.Vital Tones Long-Term Memory consist of 2differentsessions.• Session 1 stimulates:- the prefrontal areasSession 1 is 22 minutes long.• Session 2 stimulates:- the hippocampus- the parahippocampal regions- the entorhinal cortex- the medial temporal lobeSession 2 is 22 minutes long.Both sessions are crucial to have a complete treatment!The FREE versions of our apps consists only of 1session(limited) to demonstrate and proof our technology works. Fora fulltreatment you need to purchase our Pro version!This application requires large headphones or highqualityearphones with Left and Right placed correctly !Get ready for a total natural healing.Enjoy your explorations.
Vital Tones Cannabis Abuse 1.3
Vital Tones Ltd.
Vital Tones Cannabis Abuse Recovery isabrainwave entrainment for recovering the negative effectsoflong-term abuse of cannabis / marijuana.Cannabis is one of the most widely used recreational drug.Thefindings show that long-term cannabis use is associated withbrainmorphology alterations in regions linked to memory andexecutiveand affective processing.The researchers found long-term cannabis smokers had lessgraymatter volume in the orbitofrontal cortex, the hippocampus,theinsula, the superior frontal cortices, the thalamus, theleftcerebellum, the amygdala, the medial temporal cortex, thetemporalpole and the parahippocampal gyrus.Vital Tones Cannabis Abuse Recovery consist of 2differentsessions.The sessions are 22 minutes long.All sessions are crucial to have a complete entrainment!The FREE versions of our apps consists only of 1 session(limiteduse) to demonstrate and proof our technology works. For afullentrainment you need to purchase our Pro version!This application requires large headphones or highqualityearphones with Left and Right placed correctly !Enjoy your explorations.
Vital Tones Sexual Desire Pro 1.7
Vital Tones Sexual Desire is a powerfulbrainwave sound therapy to improve hypoactive sexual desiredysfunction.Hypoactive sexual desire disorder or inhibited sexual desire (ISD)is considered a sexual dysfunction and is characterized as a lackor absence of sexual fantasies and desire for sexual activity, asjudged by a clinician. For this to be regarded as a disorder, itmust cause marked distress or interpersonal difficulties and not bebetter accounted for by another mental disorder, a drug (legal orillegal), or some other medical condition. A person with ISD willnot start, or respond to their partner's desire for, sexualactivity. Other terms used to describe the phenomenon includesexual aversion and sexual apathy.There are various subtypes. can be general (general lack of sexualdesire) or situational (still has sexual desire, but lacks sexualdesire for current partner), and it can be acquired ( started aftera period of normal sexual functioning) or lifelong (the person hasalways had no/low sexual desire.)Neuroimaging studies have investigated the brain regions activatedwhile women viewed sexually explicit videos. Results from thesestudies, provide evidence that limbic, somatosensory, visual, andassociation cortices are active while women with normal sexualfunction view videos of heterosexual couples engaging in sexualactivity. More specifically, the brain areas activated in theprocessing of sexually explicit stimuli include theoccipitotemporal, anterior cingulate, medial prefrontal,orbitofrontal, precentral, insular cortex, hypothalamus, thalamus,and amygdala.Vital Tones Sexual Desire consist of 2 different sessions.Each session is 22 minutes.Session 2 is crucial to have a complete treatment!This application requires large headphones or high qualityearphones with Left and Right placed correctly !Enjoy your explorations.
Vital Tones Hypertension Pro 1.2
Vital Tones Ltd.
Vital Tones Hypertension is agroundbreakingbrainwave entrainment to positively affectHypertension.High blood pressure (Hypertension) is a common condition inwhichthe long-term force of the blood against your artery walls ishighenough that it may eventually cause health problems, such asheartdisease.The central nervous system plays a key role in the regulationofcardiovascular function, and alterations in the centralneuralmechanisms that control blood pressure may underlie thevastmajority of cases of hypertension.Across studies, several regions emerge as especiallyvulnerableto negative modification by hypertension. These includeorbifrontalcortex, the inferior temporal cortex, brainstem,cerebellum,hypothalamus and inferior parietal lobule. Hypertensionalsoaffects brain regions that are only moderately vulnerable toaging,e.g., supplementary motor areas, thalamus andentorhinalcortex.Vital Tones Hypertension consist of 2 different sessions.• Session 1 stimulates:- the cerebellum- the brainstem- the hypothalamus- the thalamus- the pineal glandSession 1 is 22 minutes long.• Session 2 stimulates:- the temporal cortex- the entorhinal cortex- the motor areas- the inferior parietal lobule- the orbifrontal cortexSession 2 is 22 minutes long.This entrainment requires large headphones or highqualityearphones with Left and Right placed correctly !Get ready for a total natural healing.Enjoy your explorations.
Vital Tones Anorexia 2.0
Vital Tones Ltd.
Vital Tones Anorexia is a powerful brain wavetreatment for improving Anorexia Nervosa.Anorexia nervosa often simply called anorexia is an eating disordercharacterized by an abnormally low body weight, intense fear ofgaining weight and a distorted perception of body weight. Peoplewith anorexia place a high value on controlling their weight andshape, using extreme efforts that tend to significantly interferewith activities in their lives.Anorexia nervosa is characterised by a chronic course that isrefractory to treatment in many patients and has one of the highestmortality rates of any psychiatric disorder.Anorexia have regional gray matter decreases in cingulate gyrus,parietal-occipital lobe and temporal lobe.Vital Tones Anorexia consist of 2 different sessions.• Session 1 increases and regulates the appetite.• Session 2 repairs the obsessive emotional disorder.Both sessions are 22 minutes.The free version stimulates only a part for increasing theappetite.The free version is 12 minutes.Both sessions are crucial to have a complete treatment !This application requires large headphones or high qualityearphones with Left and Right placed correctly !Get ready for a total natural healing.Enjoy your explorations.
Vital Tones Short-Term Memory 1.4
Vital Tones Ltd.
Vital Tones Short-Term Memory (Workingmemory)is a groundbreaking brainwave therapy to improve and enhancetheshort-term and working memory.Short-term memory (or "primary" or "active memory") isthecapacity for holding a small amount of information in mind inanactive, readily available state for a short period of time.Working memory is the system responsible for the transientholdingand processing of new and already-stored information, and isanimportant process for reasoning, comprehension, learning andmemoryupdating.Working memory is generally used synonymously withshort-termmemory.Research identifies the hippocampal, prefrontal cortex,parietalcortex and parts of the basal ganglia as crucial forworkingmemory.Vital Tones Short-Term Memory consist of 2differentsessions.• Session 1 stimulates:- the prefrontal areasSession 1 is 26 minutes long.• Session 2 stimulates:- the basal ganglia- the thalamus- the posterior parietal cortex- the hippocampusSession 2 is 26 minutes long.Both sessions are crucial to have a complete treatment!The FREE versions of our apps consists only of 1session(limited) to demonstrate and proof our technology works. Fora fulltreatment you need to purchase our Pro version!This application requires large headphones or highqualityearphones with Left and Right placed correctly !Get ready for a total natural healing.Enjoy your explorations.
Vital Tones Hysteria 1.0
Vital Tones Ltd.
Vital Tones Hysteria is a powerfulbrainwavetreatment for Conversion Disorder (Hysteria).Hysteria, in the colloquial use of the term, meansungovernableemotional excess.It is a deficit of sensory or motor function that cannotbeexplained by a medical condition and where psychologicalfactorsare judged to be associated with the deficit becausesymptoms arepreceded by conflicts or other stressors.Vital Tones Hysteria consist of 2 sessions.Both sessions are 22 minutes long.Every session is customized and stimulates different parts ofthebrain.This free version is a limited trial version.All sessions are needed to have a complete treatment!This application requires large headphones or highqualityearphones with Left and Right placed correctly !Enjoy your explorations.
Vital Tones Autism Pro 1.0
Vital Tones Ltd.
Vital Tones Autism is a powerfulbrainwaveentrainment for Autism Spectrum Disorder for Adults.Autism is a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized byimpairedsocial interaction, verbal and non-verbal communication,andrestricted and repetitive behavior. Autism's symptoms resultfrommaturation-related changes in various systems of thebrain.Vital Tones Autism consist of 3 sessions.• Session 1 stimulates:- the temporal lobe- the middle cingulate cortex- the anterior cingulate cortex- the Broca's area- the amygdalaSession 1 is 25 minutes long.• Session 2 stimulates:- the thalamus- the motor cortex (legs)- precuneus- angular gyrus- the hippocampusSession 2 is 30 minutes long.• Session 3 stimulates:- the somatosensory cortex- the motor cortex (upper body)Session 3 is 30 minutes long.All sessions are crucial for a complete entrainment!This application requires large headphones or highqualityearphones with Left and Right placed correctly !Enjoy your explorations.
Vital Tones Stress Pro 1.6
Vital Tones Stress is a groundbreakingbrainwave therapy to reduce stress and recover the destructiveeffects of (chronic) stress in the brain and the body.Stressful life events can harm your brain's memory and learningcapacity by reducing the volume of gray matter in brain regionsassociated with emotions, self-control and physiologicalfunctions.Exposed to chronic stress early in life are prone to mentalproblems such as anxiety and mood disorders later in life, as wellas learning difficulties.Ongoing stress can contribute to lost volume in the brain's medialprefrontal cortex and halt the production of new neurons in thehippocampus.Mindfulness-Based Stress (MBSR), one of the most widely usedmindfulness training programs increases gray matter concentrationin the hippocampus, the medial prefrontal cortex, the posteriorcingulate cortex, the temporo-parietal junction, the cerebellum,the inferior temporal gyrus, the anterior cingulate cortex, theinsula and the pons.Vital Tones Stress consist of 3 different sessions.Every session is 22 minutes long.All sessions are necessary to have a complete treatment!This application requires large headphones or high qualityearphones with Left and Right placed correctly !Get ready for a total natural healing.Enjoy your explorations.
Vital Tones Neurogenesis Pro 1.3
Vital Tones Ltd.
Vital Tones Neurogenesis is agroundbreakingbrainwave entrainment for improving the growth of newbrain cells.The term neurogenesis is made up of the words “neuro”meaning“relating to nerves” and “genesis” meaning the formationofsomething. The term therefore refers to the growth anddevelopmentof neurons. This process is most active while a baby isdevelopingin the womb and is responsible for the production of thebrain’sneurons.The development of new neurons continues during adulthood intworegions of the brain. Neurogenesis takes place inthesubventricular zone (SVZ) that forms the lining of thelateralventricles and the subgranular zone that forms part of thedentategyrus of the hippocampus area. The SVZ is the sitewhereneuroblasts are formed, which migrate via the rostralmigratorystream to the olfactory bulb. Many of these neuroblastsdie shortlyafter they are generated. However, some go on to befunctional inthe tissue of the brain.Vital Tones Neurogenesis consist of 2 different sessions.Session 1 is 16 minutes long.Session 2 is 19 minutes long.Session 2 is crucial to have a complete entrainment!This application requires large headphones or highqualityearphones with Left and Right placed correctly !Get ready for a total natural healing.Enjoy your explorations.
Vital Tones Motivation Pro 1.5
Vital Tones Motivation is a powerful brainwaveentrainment for improving self-fulfillment and competitiveachievement motivation.Achievement motivation can be defined as the need for success orthe attainment of excellence. Individuals will satisfy their needsthrough different means, and are driven to succeed for varyingreasons both internal and external.Achievement motivation significantly and negatively correlated inthe orbitofrontal cortex and positively correlated in the putamen,insula, and precuneus.Studies consistently revealed also the involvement of thehypothalamus, the striatum, the medial prefrontal cortex, thesuperior temporal sulcus and the posterior cingulate cortex.Vital Tones Motivation consist of 2 different sessions.Both sessions are 22 minutes long.Both sessions are crucial to have a complete entrainment!This application requires large headphones or high qualityearphones with Left and Right placed correctly !Get ready for a total natural healing.Enjoy your explorations.
Vital Tones Depression Pro 3.0
Vital Tones Depression is a brainwaveentrainment to reduce the symptoms of depression.Depression is a state of low mood and aversion to activity that canaffect a person's thoughts, behavior, feelings and sense ofwell-being. People with depressed mood can feel sad, anxious,empty, hopeless, helpless, worthless, guilty, irritable, ashamed orrestless. They may lose interest in activities that were oncepleasurable, experience overeating or loss of appetite, haveproblems concentrating, remembering details or making decisions,and may contemplate, attempt or commit suicide. Insomnia, excessivesleeping, fatigue, aches, pains, digestive problems or reducedenergy may also be present.Potential targets of brain areas to stimulate and reduce symptomsof depression are as follows:Vital Tones Depression consist of 3 different sessions.Session 1 is 22 minutes.Session 2 is 22 minutes.Session 3 is 26 minutes.All sessions are needed to have a complete entrainment!This application requires large headphones or high qualityearphones with Left and Right placed correctly !Get ready for a total natural healing.Enjoy your explorations.
Vital Tones Insomnia Pro 1.9
Vital Tones Ltd.
Vital Tones Insomnia isgroundbreakingbrainwave sound therapy for Chronic Insomnia.Insomnia is a sleep disorder. People with insomnia havetroublesleeping: difficulty falling asleep, or staying asleep aslong asdesired.Insomnia is most often thought of as both a medical sign andasymptom that can accompany several sleep, medical, andpsychiatricdisorders characterized by a long term difficultyfalling asleepand/or staying asleep or sleep of poor quality.Insomnia istypically followed by functional impairment while awake.Insomniacan occur at any age, but it is particularly common in theelderly.Insomnia can be short term (up to three weeks) or long term(above3–4 weeks); it can lead to memory problems,depression,irritability and an increased risk of heart disease andautomobilerelated accidents.Studies show significantly reduced gray matter concentrationsandvolume in the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, thepericentralcortices, the superior temporal gyrus, the cerebellum,the medialfrontal cortex, the middle temporal gyri, theorbitofrontal cortex,and the precuneus.Vital Tones Insomnia consist of 2 different sessions.• Session 1 stimulates specific areas of:- the pericentral cortices- the superior temporal gyrus- the cerebellum- the superior temporal gyri- the precuneus- hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axisSession 1 is 22 minutes long.• Session 2 stimulates specific areas of:- the medial frontal cortex- the orbitofrontal cortexSession 2 is 22 minutes long.Both sessions are crucial to have a complete therapy!This application requires large headphones or highqualityearphones with Left and Right placed correctly !Enjoy your explorations.
Vital Tones Sleep Apnea 1.6
Vital Tones Ltd.
Vital Tones Sleep Apnea is a brainwaveentrainment for neurological sleep apnea and obstructive sleepapnea.Sleep apnea is a sleep disorder characterized by pauses inbreathing or instances of shallow or infrequent breathing duringsleep. Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) (or apnoea) is the most commontype of sleep apnea and is caused by obstruction of the upperairway.Vital Tones Sleep Apnea consist of 3 different sessions.Every sessions is 22 minutes long.All sessions are crucial to have a complete entrainment!The FREE versions of our apps consists only of 1 session (limited)to demonstrate and proof our technology works. For a fullentrainment you need to purchase our Pro version!This application requires large headphones or high qualityearphones with Left and Right placed correctly !Get ready for a total natural healing.Enjoy your explorations.
Vital Tones Snoring Pro 1.0
Vital Tones Snoring is a powerfulbrainwaveentrainment for clearing the blockage in the breathingpassage toreduce snoring and prevent sleep apnea.Snoring is the vibration of respiratory structures andtheresulting sound due to obstructed air movement duringbreathingwhile sleeping. In some cases, the sound may be soft, butin mostcases, it can be loud and unpleasant.Vital Tones Snoring consist of 2 sessions.• Session 1 stimulates:- the soft palate- the uvulaSession 1 is 15 minutes long.• Session 2 stimulates:- the hypoglossal nerveSession 2 is 22 minutes long.All sessions are crucial to have a complete entrainment!This application requires large headphones or highqualityearphones with Left and Right placed correctly !Enjoy your explorations.
Vital Tones Sports Skills 2.0
Vital Tones Ltd.
Vital Tones Sports Skills is a powerfulbrainwave therapy for improving mental ability and skills of allforms of sports.The impact of regular exercise on the body is obvious. It improvescardiovascular fitness, increases strength and tones muscle. Whilethese transformations are visible to the naked eye, changes tobrain structure and function by physical activity occur behind thescenes and are therefore less understood. It’s not news that thebrain is wonderfully plastic, dynamically reorganizing in responseto every sensory, motor or cognitive experience. One might imaginetherefore, that elite athletes–who train rigorously to perfectspecialized movements–undergo robust neural adaptations thatsupport, or reflect, their exceptional neuromuscular skills.Different sports, invoking different movements, will target uniqueneural substrates, but most physical activities similarly rely onregions that are key for eliciting, coordinating and controllingmovement, such as the motor cortex, cerebellum and basalganglia.Vital Tones Sports Skills consist of two different sessions:• Session 1 stimulates:- the thalamus (anterior)- the basal ganglia- the motor cortex- the hippocampusSession 1 is 22 minutes long.• Session 2 stimulates:- the parahippocampal gyrus- the thalamus (ventral)- the midbrain- the cerebellumSession 2 is 22 minutes long.Both sessions are crucial to have a complete treatment!The FREE versions of our apps consists only of 1 session (limited)to demonstrate and proof our technology works. For a full treatmentyou need to purchase our Pro version!This application requires large headphones or high qualityearphones with Left and Right placed correctly !Enjoy your explorations.
Vital Tones Female Orgasm Pro 2.1
Vital Tones Female Orgasm is a powerfulbrainwave entrainment to improve and enhance women's sexualclimax.Orgasm is the sudden discharge of accumulated sexual excitementduring the sexual response cycle, resulting in rhythmic muscularcontractions in the pelvic region characterized by sexual pleasure.Experienced by males and females, orgasms are controlled by theinvoluntary or autonomic nervous system.There are many physiological responses during sexual activity,including a relaxed state created by prolactin, as well as changesin the central nervous system such as a temporary decrease in themetabolic activity of large parts of the cerebral cortex whilethere is no change or increased metabolic activity in the limbic(i.e., "bordering") areas of the brain.Studies of brain imaging indicate increased activation at orgasm,compared to pre-orgasm, in the paraventricular nucleus of thehypothalamus, periaqueductal gray of the midbrain, hippocampus, andthe cerebellum.Vital Tones Female Orgasm consist of 2 different sessions, both 22minutes.This application requires large headphones or high qualityearphones with Left and Right placed correctly !Enjoy your explorations.
Vital Tones ShortTermMemoryPro 1.4
Vital Tones Ltd.
Vital Tones Short-Term Memory (Workingmemory)is a groundbreaking brainwave therapy to improve and enhancetheshort-term and working memory.Short-term memory (or "primary" or "active memory") isthecapacity for holding a small amount of information in mind inanactive, readily available state for a short period of time.Working memory is the system responsible for the transientholdingand processing of new and already-stored information, and isanimportant process for reasoning, comprehension, learning andmemoryupdating.Working memory is generally used synonymously withshort-termmemory.Research identifies the hippocampal, prefrontal cortex,parietalcortex and parts of the basal ganglia as crucial forworkingmemory.Vital Tones Short-Term Memory consist of 2differentsessions.• Session 1 stimulates:- the prefrontal areasSession 1 is 26 minutes long.• Session 2 stimulates:- the basal ganglia- the thalamus- the posterior parietal cortex- the hippocampusSession 2 is 26 minutes long.Both sessions are crucial to have a complete treatment!This application requires large headphones or highqualityearphones with Left and Right placed correctly !Get ready for a total natural healing.Enjoy your explorations.
Vital Tones Vocal Skills 1.5
Vital Tones Ltd.
Vital Tones Vocal Skills is abrainwaveentrainment for improvement of mechanismscontrollingvocalization.Vocal production in speech and singing requires the involvementofmore that 100 muscles.Several studies have shown that motor-skill training overextendedtime periods results in reorganization of neural networksandchanges in brain morphology.The training of vocal skills is accompanied by increasedfunctionalactivation of bilateral primary somatosensory cortexrepresentingarticulators and larynx.Further training-related activation comprised the inferiorparietallobe and bilateral dorsolateral prefrontal cortex. Atthesubcortical level, expert singers showed increased activationinthe basal ganglia, the thalamus, and the cerebellum.Vital Tones Vocal Skills consist of 3 different sessions.• Session 1 stimulates:- the brainstem- the parts of thalamus- the auditory cortex- the putamen- the globus pallidus- the wernicke's areaSession 1 is 22 minutes long.• Session 2 stimulates:- the parts of thalamus- the vagus nerve- the broca's areaSession 2 is 22 minutes long.• Session 3 stimulates:- the diaphram- the lungs- the throat- the larynx- the vocal tractSession 3 is 22 minutes long.All sessions are needed to have a complete therapy!This application requires large headphones or high qualityearphoneswith Left and Right placed correctly !The FREE versions of our apps consists only of 1 session(limiteduse) to demonstrate and proof our technology works. For afulltherapy you need to purchase our Pro version!Get ready for a total natural healing.Enjoy your explorations.
Vital Tones Musician 1.2
Vital Tones Ltd.
Vital Tones Musician is a powerfulbrainwaveentrainment for improving brain-based mechanisms involvedin thecognitive processes underlying music. These behavioursincludemusic listening, performing, composing, reading,writing,aesthetics, musical emotion and ancillary activities.Brain structure within musicians and non-musicians isdistinctlydifferent.From an early age, musicians learn complex motor and auditoryskills(e.g., the translation of visually perceived musical symbolsintomotor commands with simultaneous auditory monitoring ofoutput),which they practice extensively from childhood throughouttheirentire careers.Vital Tones Musician directly stimulates and start the activationofthe brain areas related to musicians motor control,auditory-motorinteractions, visual-spatial areas, emotion andmemorysystems.Vital Tones Musician consist of 2 different sessions.Both sessions are 22 minutes long.Both sessions are crucial to have a complete therapy.The FREE versions of our apps consists only of 1 session(limited)to demonstrate and proof our technology works. For a fulltreatmentyou need to purchase our Pro version!This application requires large headphones or high qualityearphoneswith Left and Right placed correctly !Get ready for a total natural healing.Enjoy your explorations.
Vital Tones Astral Travel Pro 1.1
Vital Tones Astral Travel is apowerfulbrainwave entrainment for activating AstralProjection.Astral projection (or astral travel) is an interpretation ofanout-of-body experience (OBE) that assumes the existence ofan"astral body" separate from the physical body and capableoftravelling outside it. Astral projection or travel denotestheastral body leaving the physical body to travel in an astralplane.The idea of astral travel is rooted in common worldwidereligiousaccounts of the afterlife in which the consciousness' orsoul'sjourney, or "ascent", is described in such terms as"an...out-of-body experience, wherein the spiritual travellerleaves thephysical body and travels in his/her subtle body (or"dreambody",or "astral body") into ‘higher’ realms." It isfrequently reportedin association with dreams, and forms ofmeditation.The present single-case study examined functional brainimagingpatterns in a participant that reported being able, at will,toproduce somatosensory sensations that are experienced as herbodymoving outside the boundaries of her physical body all thewhileremaining aware of her unmoving physical body. The brainfunctionalchanges associated with the reported extra-corporealexperience(ECE) were different than those observed in motorimagery.Activations were mainly left-sided and involved theleftsupplementary motor area and supramarginal and posteriorsuperiortemporal gyri, the last two overlapping with the temporalparietaljunction that has been associated with out-of-bodyexperiences. Thecerebellum also showed activation that isconsistent with theparticipant’s report of the impression ofmovement during the ECE.There was also left middle and superiororbital frontal gyriactivity, regions often associated with actionmonitoring. Theresults suggest that the ECE reported hererepresents an unusualtype of kinesthetic imagery.Vital Tones Astral Travel consist of 2 different sessions, both22minutes long.Both sessions are crucial to have a complete experience!This application requires large headphones or high qualityearphoneswith Left and Right placed correctly !Enjoy your explorations.
Vital Tones Alignment 108 Pro 1.0
Vital Tones Alignment 108 is apowerfulbrainwave therapy to align your mind, body and soulthroughmeditation.We have discovered the sacred number 108 has animportantsignificance in the design of the brain.Throughout history, the number 108 has held amulti-dimensionalmeaning.The number 108 is considered sacred in many Eastern religionsandtraditions.108 is a number known to be referring to spiritualcompletion.Vital Tones Alignment 108 Pro activates the 7 major parts ofthebrain and is 22 minutes long.This free version is a limited trial version.This application requires large headphones or high qualityearphoneswith Left and Right placed correctly !Enjoy your explorations.
Vital Tones Fibromyalgia Pro 1.7
Vital Tones Ltd.
Vital Tones Fibromyalgia is apowerfulbrainwave entrainment for improving Fibromyalgia.Fibromyalgia is a disorder characterized bywidespreadmusculoskeletal pain accompanied by fatigue, sleep,memory and moodissues. Researchers believe that fibromyalgiaamplifies painfulsensations by affecting the way your brainprocesses painsignals.Fibromyalgia is classed as a disorder of pain processing duetoabnormalities in how pain signals are processed in thecentralnervous system.Evidence of abnormal brain involvement in fibromyalgia hasbeenprovided via functional neuroimaging. The first findingsreportedwere decreased blood flow within the thalamus and elementsof thebasal ganglia and mid-brain (i.e., pontine nucleus). Patientshavedemonstrated local grey matter density reductions in thecingulatecortex, insula and parahippocampal gyrus.It is also suggested that metabolic dysfunction of thehippocampusand pineal gland may be implicated in the appearance ofthesesymptoms.Vital Tones Fibromyalgia consist of 3 different sessions.Every session is 22 minutes long.All sessions are necessary to have a complete entrainment!This application requires large headphones or high qualityearphoneswith Left and Right placed correctly !Get ready for a total natural healing.Enjoy your explorations.
Vital Tones Asthma 1.1
Vital Tones Ltd.
Vital Tones Asthma is a powerfulbrainwaveentrainment for Asthma and Allergies.Asthma is a common long term inflammatory disease of the airwaysofthe lungs. It is characterized by variable and recurringsymptoms,reversible airflow obstruction, and bronchospasm. Symptomsincludeepisodes of wheezing, coughing, chest tightness, andshortness ofbreath. These episodes may occur a few times a day or afew timesper week. Depending on the person they may become worse atnight orwith exercise.Vital Tones Asthma consist of 3 sessions.Session 1 stimulates:- the lungs- the heart- the diaphragmSession 1 is 26 minutes.Session 2 stimulates:- the throat sensory- the nose sensory- the throat muscles- the lung muscles- the supraclavicular lymph nodes- the cervical lymph nodesSession 2 is 22 minutes.Session 3 stimulates:- the olfactory systemSession 3 is 24 minutes.The free version stimulates only the lungs (partially) .The free version is 12 minutes long.All sessions are needed to have a complete entrainment!This application requires large headphones or high qualityearphoneswith Left and Right placed correctly !Enjoy your explorations.
Vital Tones Tremor Pro 1.4
Vital Tones Ltd.
Vital Tones Tremor is a powerfulbrainwaveentrainment for tremors.A tremor is an involuntary, somewhat rhythmic, musclecontractionand relaxation involving oscillations or twitchingmovements of oneor more body parts. It is the most common of allinvoluntarymovements and can affect the hands, arms, eyes, face,head, vocalfolds, trunk, and legs. Most tremors occur in the hands.In somepeople, a tremor is a symptom of anotherneurologicaldisorder.Tremor can be a symptom associated with disorders in those partsofthe brain that control muscles throughout the body or inparticularareas, such as the hands.Neurological disorders or conditions that can producetremorincluding multiple sclerosis, stroke, traumatic braininjury,chronic kidney disease and a number of neurodegenerativediseasesthat damage or destroy parts of the brainstem or thecerebellum,Parkinson's disease being the one most often associatedwithtremor.Tremor is thought to be caused by electrical fluctuations inthebrain that send abnormal signals out to the muscles. Severalareasof the brain have been implicated in generating theseabnormalsignals. The signals travel through a variety of brainregionsbefore they make it out to muscles. These regions includethecerebellum, red nucleus, globus pallidus, thalamusandcortex.Vital Tones Tremor consist of 3 different sessions.• Session 1 stimulates:- the substantia nigra- the corpus striatum- SMA of hands and wristsSession 1 is 22 minutes long.• Session 2 stimulates:- the parts of thalamus- the subthalamus- SMA of arms and shouldersSession 2 is 22 minutes long.• Session 3 stimulates:- the parts of thalamus- SMA of legs, neck and headSession 3 is 22 minutes long.All sessions are crucial to have a complete entrainment!Additional recommendation:Vital Tones ChakrasThis application requires large headphones or high qualityearphoneswith Left and Right placed correctly !Get ready for a total natural healing.Enjoy your explorations.
Vital Tones Sleep Apnea Pro 1.6
Vital Tones Sleep Apnea is a brainwaveentrainment for neurological sleep apnea and obstructive sleepapnea.Sleep apnea is a sleep disorder characterized by pauses inbreathing or instances of shallow or infrequent breathing duringsleep. Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) (or apnoea) is the most commontype of sleep apnea and is caused by obstruction of the upperairway.Compared to healthy volunteers, the gray matter concentrations ofOSA patients were significantly decreased in the parahippocampus,the right superior frontal gyrus, left middle temporal gyrus, thehippocampus, the uncus, the left gyrus rectus, the left precentralgyrus, the anterior cingulate gyri, right insular gyrus, thecaudate nuclei, the thalami and the inferior temporal gyri,White matter integrity loss in the posterior parietal cortex, thecorpus callosum, the posterior corona radiata and the fornix.Vital Tones Sleep Apnea consist of 3 different sessions.Every sessions is 22 minutes long.All sessions are crucial to have a complete entrainment!This application requires large headphones or high qualityearphones with Left and Right placed correctly !Get ready for a total natural healing.Enjoy your explorations.
Vital Tones Narcolepsy Pro 1.3
Vital Tones Narcolepsy is a powerfulbrainwaveentrainment for reducing symptoms of narcolepsy,cataplexy, sleepparalysis and hypnagogic hallucinations.Narcolepsy is a chronic sleep disorder characterized byoverwhelmingdaytime drowsiness and sudden attacks of sleep. Peoplewithnarcolepsy often find it difficult to stay awake for longperiods oftime, regardless of the circumstances. Narcolepsy cancause seriousdisruptions in your daily routine.Narcolepsy can be accompanied by a sudden loss of muscletone(cataplexy) that leads to weakness and loss of muscle controlorsleep paralysis, a temporary inability to move or speak whenwakingup or falling asleep.Studies in narcolepsy found cortical gray matter reductioninfrontal brain regions and inferior temporal regions.Significantgray matter concentration decreases were found in thehypothalamus,hippocampus, cerebellum (vermis), superior temporalgyrus and rightnucleus accumbens.Recent findings indicate a reduction or full-loss of hypocretincelldevelopment in the lateral thalamus and ventral pontine areaofpeople with narcolepsy. Also reduced activity inhypothalamus,thalamus, prefrontal cortex, parahipocampal gyrus andhippocampuslocalizations was found during SPECT examinationsVital Tones Narcolepsy directly stimulates these brain areastoreduce symptoms of narcolepsy.Vital Tones Narcolepsy consist of 2 different sessions, both25minutes long.Both sessions are crucial to have a complete entrainment!This application requires large headphones or high qualityearphoneswith Left and Right placed correctly !Get ready for a total natural healing.Enjoy your explorations.